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Joomla security and optimization

Visita il nuovo sito FasterJoomla che raccoglie i nostri articoli ed estensioni per Joomla!

Si parla di sicurezza, velocità, sviluppo di estensioni per Joomla.

Trovate pubblicate anche le nostre guide pratiche.

What is a Workflow?

A workflow is a sequence of connected steps, usually shown as a diagramworkflow diagram: easily monitor and change your processes.

It is particularly useful in describing a business process where different actors play pre-defined actions in order to achieve the process's outcome. This is why it's oftentimes chosen both by business analysts and business engineers to describe the core processes of a company.



Each step represents a single action within the workflow process. It shows its intended actors, input, and one or several possible outcomes. In this workflow diagram each action is represented by a box. Each step has an intended goal and can be achieved automatically or with human intervention.


A workflow engine is the software which runs our processes in the application. edorasbpm comes with Activiti workflow engine bundled, but also supports other BPMN-2 compliant workflow engines.